Weekend in Hershey

This past weekend, Trenton and I traveled to Pennsylvania to visit with family for Easter weekend. First, we went to Philadelphia and stayed the night at my mommom’s house, and the next day we went downtown. We went to this really good ice cream place called Franklin’s Fountain and it was sooo good! If you’re ever in Philly that place is a must! And all of the flowers were in bloom throughout the city, so the scenery was gorgeous. After stuffing our faces with Philly cheesesteaks and pizza, we headed to Lebanon where my aunt lives.

On Saturday, we watched my cousin run a bunny 5K (cue picture with that creepy bunny from up top) and then we went to Hershey Park! It was suuuupper crowded, and we literally waited an hour and a half in line for lunch (Moe’s-worth it, ha) but as the afternoon went on the  lines got shorter. The rollercoasters there are SO intense! My favorite was their new one, the Skyrush. You literally have nothing holding your chest back, you only have a lap bar as you twist and fly through the air- I was so not mentally prepared it! I’m used to toned down Disney rides. haha. Of course we also went to Chocolate World, where we got to see how chocolate is made and ate freshly made Hershey bars at the end of it.

On Sunday, my aunt made an elaborate Easter breakfast- French toast, cinnamon rolls, fresh fruit, and dark chocolate banana bread- she is seriously the sweetest! Then we went to church, and afterwards more family came over and we had a big Easter lunch.

I loved getting away for the weekend and spending time with people I don’t get to see very often! I had so much fun with my sister, cousins, family, and Keilah, who flew down from Seattle to spend Easter with us! (She also took some of these photos- she’s got quite an eye for photography!)

There is literally SO much coming up these next few months so it was nice to not have to think about everything for a few days- ha!

Have a SWEET weekend!

7 thoughts on “Weekend in Hershey

  1. Sounds like a great Easter weekend. That rollercoaster sounds way too intense to have just a lap bar as the safety. I went on once, and I was drenched with swear when I got off. Terrifying 😂

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